FANTINO TELLS CACP THAT REGISTRY'S DAYS ARE NUMBERED: Speaking to the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police in Windsor, Ont. Sunday evening, associate Minister of National Defence Julian Fantino said the government will retable a bill designed to address a “pressing real need” for police officers to track those who use the internet to evade or break the law... Fantino, who served 40 years in law enforcement including as Ontario Provincial Police Commissioner, noted the role of police is becoming increasingly challenging... Fantino said a $400 million investment in 2008 has helped put 1,800 new cops on the street since 2009. Stats Canada reported recently that the number of police officers across Canada is at its highest point since 1981... Despite much criticism that the Harper government’s law-and-order agenda is too tough and ideologically driven, Fantino insisted it takes a “fair, measured and comprehensive” crime-fighting approach... Fantino said he’s “proud” the Conservative government maintains a close relationship with the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, noting six former police officers now sit on the government benches. Yet the association is sharply at odds with the government on the contentious issue the gun registry. “I am aware of this association’s concerns around the gun registry, and I know that you and officials at Public Safety Canada have been in touch over the past months,” he said. “While we will deliver on our promise to eliminate the long-gun registry, I can assure you that we will continue to work closely with you and other law enforcement partners to help address concerns over the coming months.”... ( – August 20, 2011)