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 deux athlete olimpian ce font montrer la porte.

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Grande gueule / Big mouth
Grande gueule / Big mouth

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Date d'inscription : 12/08/2011

deux athlete olimpian ce font montrer la porte. Empty
MessageSujet: deux athlete olimpian ce font montrer la porte.   deux athlete olimpian ce font montrer la porte. Icon_minitimeMar 7 Aoû 2012 - 12:13

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LONDON - It looks like Australia will win gold for dumbest social-media controversy at the London 2012 Games.

Nick D'Arcy and Kenrick Monk posed for photographs in a gun shop in the United States long before the Games and posted them on Facebook. That was enough to prompt Australian chef de mission Nick Green to order the swimmers out of the Athletes Village once their events were complete.

An overreaction? Not to Green, who in a letter cited by Australian media wrote: "Given this incident and our previous discussions concerning your conduct, I now have concerns regarding your lack of judgment."

Their events done, the dastardly duo is leaving the Olympic Village this weekend. They've also agreed not to use social media until returning to Australia Aug. 15.

“It is always our intention to minimize the distraction for the team,” Green said at a Sunday news conference. “We have worked with the two athletes and we have decided to allow them to travel outside of London on certain conditions.”

While this reaction seems overblown, Twitter has exposed outrageous missteps by athletes who've been booted from the Games as a result. Swiss soccer player Michel Morganella was expelled last week for criticizing South Koreans on Twitter. Greek triple jumper Voula Papachristo made Africans the target of one of her Tweets.

It's been a rough Games for Australia. Rower Josh Booth is returning Australia Sunday after avoiding charges for being drunk and damaging store windows in Egham. Booth agreed to pay more than $2,100 for repairs.
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