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 Nettoyer chargeur butlercreek hot et steel lips????

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3 participants
Régulier / Regular
Régulier / Regular

Nombre de messages : 380
Localisation : Repentigny
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2010

Nettoyer chargeur butlercreek hot et steel lips???? Empty
MessageSujet: Nettoyer chargeur butlercreek hot et steel lips????   Nettoyer chargeur butlercreek hot et steel lips???? Icon_minitimeVen 21 Juin 2013 - 6:38

Salut a tous petite question nettoyez vous vos chargeur et si oui comment laver les hot et steel lips
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Grande gueule / Big mouth
Grande gueule / Big mouth

Nombre de messages : 1201
Age : 50
Localisation : Terrebonne
Emploi : Inspecteur
Loisirs : tir, chasse, pêche
Date d'inscription : 04/11/2012

Nettoyer chargeur butlercreek hot et steel lips???? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nettoyer chargeur butlercreek hot et steel lips????   Nettoyer chargeur butlercreek hot et steel lips???? Icon_minitimeMar 11 Fév 2014 - 10:03

fpaquet2 a écrit:
Salut a tous petite question nettoyez vous vos chargeur et si oui comment laver les hot et steel lips

je me demandais la même chose....j'ai lu qu'il y en avait qui les passaient à l'eau chaude savonneuse et bon rincage et sèchage et ensuite une shot de wd40 à l'intérieur....pour ma part j'ai des steel lips....vous faites quoi vous pour les nettoyer???
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Grande gueule / Big mouth
Grande gueule / Big mouth

Nombre de messages : 4545
Localisation : st-hyacinthe
Date d'inscription : 04/02/2014

Nettoyer chargeur butlercreek hot et steel lips???? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Nettoyer chargeur butlercreek hot et steel lips????   Nettoyer chargeur butlercreek hot et steel lips???? Icon_minitimeMar 11 Fév 2014 - 10:44

sur google ya un gars qui donne sa comme explication

From my understanding you are supposed to trash those when they start giving you problems and buy new ones. Or try to return them to the manufacturer for a replacement. That's why the Ruger BX-25 mags are so popular amongst 10/22 shooters.

A quick google search revealed a few things that could help:

1, Dump them in hot soap and water. Let it soak. Blow dry them and spray them down with oil to keep that spring from rusting. That spring rusts so easy though, it's no guarantee that this method won't just make matters worse.

2. Do NOT use a solvent like Hoppes No. 9. This will apparently melt the magazine.

3. A can of compressed air like you would use to clean out your keyboard or small electrical parts will do some minor cleaning if you have small particles keeping parts from moving.

And lastly, here is my suggestion as to what I would do.

1. I would try to clean it with a can of compressed air.

2. If that doesn't work, since you already have factory mags to use, I would try to disassemble, clean, oil, and reassemble that mag. I would use a small saw to cut apart that mag then clean it out. I would use hot soap and water on the plastic parts. And a solvent like Hoppes No. 9 followed by a lubricant like Rem Oil on the metal parts.

3; Then try to reassemble it with screws and some type of bracket that I got from a hardware store like Lowes or Home Depot. Or even glue it back together with some powerful glue like Goop and press it together overnight so the glue would dry and cure.

4. If I screw up and have to trash the mag, oh well. I have other mags and that's really the destiny of 95% of Butler Creek 25 rd mags anyway.
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Nettoyer chargeur butlercreek hot et steel lips????
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