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 Un club de tir pro actif pour la cause

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Grande gueule / Big mouth
Grande gueule / Big mouth

Nombre de messages : 4401
Age : 76
Localisation : Sud-Ouest de Montréal
Emploi : Retraité
Loisirs : La Famille - Les gun - tir- chasse - pêche
Date d'inscription : 08/04/2008

Un club de tir pro actif pour la cause Empty
MessageSujet: Un club de tir pro actif pour la cause   Un club de tir pro actif pour la cause Icon_minitimeMer 14 Avr 2021 - 8:54

April 11 2021

Ladies and Gentlemen ,

The totals are in : The General Membership has donated 5500$ to be matched by an additional 5000$ from CHC budget 2021. Total Donation to the CCFR Legal and Outreach Funds is 10,500$ Not their biggest Donation , but certainly among the largest from one source .The check is on the way in and we can expect a formal Thank You on Facebook once received . Many of our members had previously donated as individuals before our Official Drive was announced and some donated again to help meet our target. Great work , Great Support , and a Big Thank You to each and every person/business member who chose to make this happen. It remains to be seen how effectively the CCFR manages the fight BUT we have, as a group, supported their efforts .

Regards and Thank You
Bruce Caskenette on behalf of the CHC BOD .

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Un club de tir pro actif pour la cause
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